Friday, August 26, 2011

One Month and Counting

This will more than likely be one of my final weekly posts on my feetsies.

With that being said, they are healing marvelously, and although doc said I need to tame it down a bit, I'm a "Romero" by genes, a mother by nature, and wife that means business, I'm not exactly sure what "tame it down" means, but I hear it's rather boring.

So far, it's been over a month, and although my feet aren't 100% better (and they will be in about 11 months. yes... I know.), I am in awe at how well the body heals itself, and with me being a youngin' and all, its that much more apparent.  yay!

Everyday, I push myself further, and I push the abilities of what my feet could and couldn't do yesterday.  Sometimes, it comes back to bite me in the butt, while others, I am one step closer (pun intended) to victory! ::throws hands up in the air and shimmies::

Its been a while since I've shown pix from Week 1, and since the healing progress is very much progressing, I think its time to shown them off, again.



Top 10 things I can do NOW that I couldn't do Week 1:

1) Take a shower.  (this is DEF #1!!)  But I'll admit, its a bit tricky.  My wounds are still a bit bruised, and with huge water droplets coming down with a "rain shower head" vengeance, its a tad bit painful.  I have, however, conjured up some rather nifty positions in which those droplets can drown... right down the drain. =]

2) I am able to SHAVE.... ALL of my leg. Before, it looked like an ankle sock made of hair. Not cute.

3) I wear SHOES.... oh how I've missed thee. However, I can only wear sneakers (yes, I call them sneakers).  Otherwise, I could run the risk of dislocating my toes. OUCH!

4) I can cut my toe nails!  Something that felt superrrr weird before, due to the numbness of my toes.  And although, this is wonderful, I haven't actually made my way to doing it quite yet.  Tonight after #1, I will though! And possibly even paint them??

5) I can rest my feet on top of each other!  I loveeee crossing my legs while chillin' in the cama or lounging on the couch.  This is also makes it easier while in my oh so peaceful slumber.  I don't have to worry about knocking them on each other.  Not pleasant, might I add.

6) I can sleep with blankets ON my feet.  Before the weight of the covers were to much to bear, but now, its not so bad, and once I'm asleep, I hardly realize any pain at all. Other times, my feet get entangled in the sheets, and I freak out, which then DOES cause pain. ::cough:: loser, I know.

7) I can brave public without a wheelchair or people looking at me funny. I do however, still have to walk a bit slower. And those I'm with, still walk ahead of me. Rude.

8) I'm able to be up and about a bit more...  prob not as much as I should, but um yeah, we discussed this at the beginning of this post. ha.  I can't quite hop on my elliptical (that is collecting dusts as I type), but at least I'm more mobile than I was before, and that means at least some kinda calories are being burned.

9) I am able to DRIVE.  Well, technically, yes, but Jr won't allow me.  However, my mind is wandering towards "Be rebellious, Casey".  Maybe??

10) And last, but not least, I can walk on my ENTIRE foot.  Before, I was walking on either my heals or the side of my feet which has resulted in them becoming severely dry and cracked.  Again, not cute, and well, not very pleasant feeling wise.  Doc did give me powerful lotion, and it seems to be clearing up slowly but surely.  Nonetheless, walking on my ENTIRE foot is freedom!

{1st day I wore both shoes. Happy Feet, indeed!}

- I am still not able to get too too close to Aislynn, Jr, or my pups, because it still seems that when I do, something or rather grazes my feet, and pain is slightly inflicted.  After last week's incident, I'm not so sure I'm ready to take my chances.

- I also can't walk around without at least socks on, and even then I'm being very brave (and possibly stupid).  My dog weighs about 50+ lbs maybe, and she loves to give me hugs, while both pups love to follow me around, and then sit at my feet wherever I park them, soooo I have to be extra careful. 

- I can't yet stand up for too too long.  My feet start to ache extremely bad, and although I'm back to working, I still make sure I ice my feet once I get home just in case.

- I can't fully bend my feet yet.  This somewhat makes me sad, because although I only danced for said amount of years, I worked hard to get my feet as flexible as they were, and for some odd reason, I don't think they will be same once healing is complete.  I'm not as flexible elsewhere, and my feet were the only flexible awesomeness left.  =(

- I can't exercise.  And of course, I've never had the desire to exercise more in my Go figure. We always want what we can't have. =/

- Stretching is still kinda funny, and a bit tingly.  You know when you get up in the morning, and naturally your body grows about 5 inches? ha.  My bones simply aren't ready for that much action... yet.

So, that's about it for, now.  Either way, both ways, and every which'a'way, I am thankful!

Faith, Love, and Flexibility (literally and figuratively),

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