Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for loving me. 
Unconditionally.   {1st Corinthians}

Thank you for choosing DEATH so that I may be redeemed and LIVE eternally through You.  {Mark 15:37}

Thank you for choosing LIFE.  {Jeremiah 1:5}
That I may walk this earth yesterday and today. 

Thank you for leaving tomorrow untold.  {James 4:14}

Thank you for the story of the Prodigal Son.  {Luke 15:11-32}
I was lost.
...But, am now found.  {Luke 15:32}

Thank you for choosing Me. 
Thank you for preparing me a path.  {Jeremiah 29:11}

Thank you for Your Word; the Word which illuminates my every step.  {Psalm 119:105}

Thank you for the darkness, so that I may always look to You; The Light of the world.  {John 9:5}

Thank you for instilling FAITH in this flesh.  {Isaiah 41:10}

Thank you for your love.
Your unfailing love.  {Ephesians 3:17-19}

With love, 
Your Daughter

Faith and Love, 
