Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"dress rehearsal birth"

... that's how my silly aunt described it, and i couldn't have described it better, myself!

although it was a false alarm, and one which i felt in my bones, it was a nice dress rehearsal, only because i have yet to take the hospital tour.  yes, lazy would pretty much sum it up.  BUT, we got a nice tour and an "in action" experience before the BIG DAY arrives!

i've been having contractions... at least that's what i THINK.  because i have a high pain tolerance, its been very very hard to distinguish, and because i know Bella is not able to come naturally, i am absolutely terrified that she will, and i won't even know it.  i understand BH contractions are no where near actual labor contractions, but with Aislynn, my actual labor contractions weren't noticed until way later in the labor process when they were literally jumping off the charts, and i off my bed, they hurt so bad.  what i thought was just baby movement, was actual contractions, and i felt like a dummy when the nurse corrected me. ha! SO, my worst fear is putting Bella in ANY kind of stress, especially seeing how big she is already.  then, i was reading up on "back labor", and the symptoms listed seemed to describe what i was feeling... possibly, anyway.  it worried me.  worried me enough to head to the hospital late yesterday, afternoon.

a couple of weeks ago, my doctor mentioned going ahead and coming in when i felt 6 contractions in an hour.  late late Sunday evening and into the wee hours of Monday morning, they were constant for a good 4 hours.  i decided to take a warm shower, and thankfully, they went away... at least i think... when i'm asleep, i have NO idea if i'm having them or not, and end up dreaming that i am (or maybe i really am).  Monday early afternoon, they began again... this time for 3 hours straight, coming at 8-15 minutes apart. i've been swelling, lately, having severe hot flashes, lots of discharge, and ugly constant back pain, soooo i thought, "well... i'm already going against what the doctor said, so i GUESS i can put the stubbornness aside and head up there. better to be safe than sorry."

we came home, finished packing last minute items, i cleaned (of course lol), and headed out the door.  i knew in my knower i would be coming back home... its just that feeling you get, when you simply know.  but to put Jr's mind at ease, and to ask further questions about my contractions, i decided it was best.

we got there.
they signed me in, and while doing so, the contractions were still coming.
i was given a wheelchair (which i absolutely hated lol), and was wheeled up to L&D... still having contractions, btw.  NOW, please tell me whyyy they stop they second they hook up the monitors?? the consistency was gone, and it was clear i "cried wolf". ha!  embarrassing, much?  yes, very... especially when this is my 2nd kiddo. ha!   now, i won't mention they started back up after i had gotten home and got comfortable.

they hooked me up to the monitors, and the only REAL action and drama was Bella Boo's fighting skills.  she kicked the heart monitor off i don't know how many times, and my nurse actually had to bring in "back up" to re-hook it until they could get at least 20mins of monitoring, simply because she would not stay still.  it resorted to me having to press a tiny button every time i felt her move. crazy girl.

all in all... a full blown dress rehearsal.
the positive:  finding out there is indeed a hook on the door for my pretty wreath! ha! and now, i know exactly where to go come Monday.  i also know the staff on hand is very sweet!  plus, i had on zero make up, and my hair looked like it exploded out of my pony tail from being out and about that afternoon.  i also was able to see when exactly i was having a contraction... the first few i didn't notice, but of course, the last one righttttt before the nurse unhooked me, she confirmed i was a having a contraction in that very moment.  go figure.

SO, for now, i wait until my FINAL appointment, which is tomorrow, and in the mean time, time my contractions and when and only when they get to 5 minutes apart, head on in.  because i wasn't dilated much, i'm assuming the next time i see those nurses will be D-Day, and that is perfectly okay with me.  in God's timing, not my own. =]

thank you, all, for your prayers, well wishes, and support!
we're superrrrrrr excited about Monday... NEXT Monday that is! ha!

faith & love,

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