in between the silence, i looked over to him, and noticed an intense stare.
asked him what he was thinking,
and he simply said, "of all that we've been through... and all we have to look forward to."
i always have these thoughts...
randomly, much like he had that very night.
to fall in love everyday over and over again, that is us.
everyday, i feel more appreciative of him, of our love, our family...
its surreal, sometimes, or really... most of the time.
and now, being pregnant, when just months ago, was something we wanted to wait for until the time was "right", but then suddenly realized there is no "right" time... our marriage will never be perfect.
so here we are...
a family of 3, soon-to-be 4.
i never knew being pregnant and loving your spouse so much could make your heart leap SO far for joy. some days, i imagine myself with my hands around his neck... other days, i imagine myself with my arms thrown in the air shouting from the mountain tops just how wonderful and special he is. but everyday, i embrace the reality of what is now, what was then, and what is soon to come. blessed.
many of you know, i got pregnant with aislynn after only a month of dating jr.
we weren't married in any form or fashion, and we didn't truly love each other... we were merely infatuated. we were surviving each other, and we rarely looked into the future... it seemed so hopeless many days, and other days, it was just any day. there was no faith to carry us through the tough times, and no amount of humble and thankfulness to cradle the good times.
but today....
a completely different story.
i never knew that patience with love could pay off the way it has....
i never allowed myself to know, because i was young and "in love".
i'm so glad we decided to wait... decided to wait until we had a good (not perfect) foundation before we continued to grow our little family. this has been such an exciting time in our lives, and we are embracing and loving each and every second of it! when we once were questioning if there was even going to be a future, we now actually have hopes and dreams for the future we know is awaiting us.
and please do not thinking i'm blogging all of this to toot my own horn, because, obviously i've been on both sides of the fence, but this is a {true} story jr and i want to one day share with both Aislynn and Bella... that true love does wait. with Aislynn, we only wish we could have experienced that journey the way God intended to, but nonetheless, He carried us through those times, and it is just another testimony to add to our novel.
thankful for a God of second chances...
to love and experience all over again, but this time, in a different light... in HIS light.
{our wedding day 2008}
Faith & Love,
Beautiful Casey,
And every marriage even before a baby and/or marriage goes through trials and tribulations. But if both spouses are committed Love will prevail. God is Love and like you said God has to be in a marriage in order to succeed. I’m not sure if I told you but before we even got married by church that 1 ½ married was intense it’s not like we fought but many people wanted for us to fail. Many people ‘till this day want us to fail but we both stayed there because we knew we were meant to be and once we received God’s Blessing everything felt right. And Toot your horn, you should be proud of what you have many have the same story as you and don’t have a Beautiful ending like yours. I haven’t known you for long but I am SO Proud of You! Love ya’
OMG! SOOOO WELLLLL SAID JAZ!!!!!! :) Yes Caseyyy Toot Toot! I am also very proud of you and Jr, I have been there to see you both grow in Love and become an example to me in my marriage! Love always...
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