Tuesday, March 6, 2012

it is what it is

{going through my computer... pictures, emails, and so forth... came across this blog post that i never published... so here we go!}

i was raised by two very head strong parents.  both taught me the value of standing up for what i believe in, persistence, and boldness.  and partially because of this, i've always said what's on my mind and how i feel.  not necessarily always to a point where i am being rude or disrespectful, but yeah, a lot of what's rolled off of my tongue in the past, never should have in the first place.

"that's just who i am."

i'm not sure if some realize this, but do we really know and understand how selfish, arrogant, and ignorant that sounds?

do you remember the phrase, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

hmm... yeah that was hummed back in the sandbox ages when life revolved around what brand of crayons was the best, and which swing we were going to fight to the death over come recess time.  and nowadays, that phrase is becoming known all too well as a kindergarten hyperbole.  but man, kids nowadays, and we've all seen it on Ellen and all over the news front... the bullying, the fighting, and even death.  and for what? all because of the words that pierce like fiery swords.

three years ago, my husband would refer to my own mouth as a machine gun with no safety.  i didn't care what i said or who i said it to.  "it is what it is," i always told myself before i lashed out and spat such ugly venom.  "they need to hear it from somebody..."  okay... and who's to say i'm that somebody?  who's to say you're that somebody?  or he is that somebody?  or she?  who are we to say, "it is what it is."?

now, take a walk in their shoes.  is it really, "it is what it is", or is there more to the story?  is there perhaps underlying issues or a battle which this person is so desperately fighting, and one which we are blinded to?  and what did we just do?  we knocked them when they were down.  just by our words.  whether they be words of harshness, words of ignorance, or maybe words of doubt, or bossiness.   we knocked them when they were down in order to build up our own insecurities and self doubt. 

sometimes, not everything always needs to said or verbalized.  but instead we should love, support, and encourage.

and in circumstances where the Lord is really pressing it on your heart to "be real" with this person, the gift of discernment is highly favorable.  speak with LOVE, or otherwise, to simply put it... don't speak at all.

What are your thoughts on speaking out to people?

Faith & Love,


Connie Leon said...

My thoughts are you speak with Love and truth! You said it soooo well!!! AMEN TO THIS POST!!!! BEAUTIFULY SAID!!!!!!!!!!

Casey Ayala (DreamTree Photography) said...

Yes!!! =D

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