not being able to sleep has caused me to browse my facebook newsfeed a zillion times over and over until my eyes cross and i fall asleep... something about scrolling and seeing the same status over and over again, sometimes does the trick. other nights, i "like" just about everything anyone posts. and other nights, i actually read each article that pops up.
2 nights ago, in particular, i came across this article:
this mama needed to read it, and read it, i did.
aislynn is something else... a hoot and then some!
she isn't your "average" child, and although she is sweet and caring, she is a complete free spirit.
her independence gets stronger the older she gets. i mean, she was only 6 months old when we took her off the bottle, and i'm sure our persistence as parents had something to do with it, but her little tiny ambition sealed the deal, and we were soon purchasing sippy cups instead.
these days, getting her ready for kindergarten is a task, much like i knew it would be when she was only 2 years old. the independence just drives her. however, sometimes, i believe it hinders her ability to learn more. #1 reason i'm excited for her to be going to school this upcoming fall.
jr and i both, although yin and yang, have very strong personalities, and boy when she does something, we're quick to say, "oh! that is definitely YOUR child!" and then nod in agreement. my mind was/is more creative and flowing, while Jr's was/is tightly knit but very much full of "eyes on the prize"... and then, at times, we switch!
her imagination is nothing like we (or others) have seen in any child... its pure crazy at times, i will tell you, but i will also tell you, mine hasn't always been the sanest, either... i just never voiced it much like she does and has done.
anyway, i could go on about her special little personality, but the real reason of this post, is the real meaning of the posted link above...
yeah, Aislynn is crazy (she's actually adopted the name "Crazilynn Aislynn"), but she is also so very sweet and caring. yeah, she's bold in her words and thoughts, but like many others in the Bible, that's a lot of what propelled them to bring outsiders to Christ. this was one of their many gifts given by God to do the works of His kingdom. "be not afraid..." -- Jeremiah 1:8
some days, she'll misbehave, and when misbehavior includes talking back or catching attitude, no, there is no excuse. (this, we are working on) HOWEVER, there are certain ways of dealing with it... every parent has their tactics. i think it just boils down to knowing exactly which tactics to pair with your child's personality, and knowing this, can be done through prayer...
we are all fearfully and wonderfully made... each unique. God loves us all the same, yet He knows exactly HOW to love each of us individually.
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
-- Proverbs 22:6 (NIV 1984)
Faith & Love,
Oh my Goodness I read the other article. Bebo is the same way; so determined. So independent. So insistent. I let him be and Im seeing that him by himself know what is good and bad. But I think like parents we still need to teach them good moral values, respect and so on. But totally agree with you on not rasing "Good" child. I Like my wild child as is.
Yes! Agreed, Jazmin! Without good morals and values, we as parents are hindering their potential.
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