Okay, seriously, folks... Do you think Adele really knows just how beautiful she is?? Geez. This girl is gorgeous! And not just on the outside, but the inside. I love her confidence, her attitude, and ohh that voice. I love love love her!
And you know what, she isn't a size 0, and you know what? She doesn't care.
I guess it just saddens me to know some people believe that skinny is the only sexy, or really, that body image is the only sexy.
I was once told not too long ago that I was prettier when I was thinner. Hmm... okay, yeah, I can see that. I think I was, too, but I wasn't exactly the prettiest person on the inside. I was judgmental, somewhat snotty, and thought my poop didn't stink. In my thin days, I never really cared about my weight, and maybe it was because I was always active, but to me, my weight was just a number. I did however, care about the way I looked. If I didn't look like Britney Spears, I didn't look good at all.
Now, I am 200+ lbs, and although I really can't stand all this jelly, I am grateful. Grateful, my heart is in a better place. Grateful I'm not the person I was 5 years ago. Grateful, that the number one thing on my mind isn't how much I weigh or how "skinny" I look. Grateful, that I am healthy... on the inside.
However, I know I need to get crackin' on losing weight, because sometime very soon, I'd like to have another baby. But at this weight, I'm not going risk anything. I want to have the healthiest pregnancy possible... possible being what I know I can control, and I know I can control my weight. All of that other stuff, well, its in God's hands. And although this is a whole 'nother blog post, I can't wait until my feet heal, so I can start working out, again, although we have a love/hate relationship.
So anywho, what defines sexy to you? What makes you sexy?
Faith, Love, and Sexy!
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