Thursday, August 18, 2011

One knock. One foot. One shoe.

Oh my stars!! I have been so anxiously awaiting to write this post, and boy do I got a good one for you guys!

So, I was originally supposed to see my doctor yesterday (Monday).  This visit wasn't any regular follow up, but THE one where I got BOTH of my bandages removed, and the boots were to be hidden for-ever.  Plans changed, and thankfully, too, because in all honesty, I was scared about wearing regular shoes again, and then walking in them. Although its only been almost a full month, I somewhat feel like an toddler just learning to walk again; I guess you can say, I'm a bit apprehensive.  So anywho, I wasn't ready on Monday; I hadn't worked myself up enough to prepare for whatever possible pain I was going to endure.

Well, the pain I felt today, was no where near anything anybody could have prepared for.

I stumped my toe.  And I stumped it hard.  So hard, it popped like I have never heard a bone pop in my entire life.  Promise, no drama, here.  I am totally serious.  It popped so loud, Jr didn't realize what it was until I took a HUGE deep breath and my eyes got as big whatever you can imagine.  Oh.em.gee.becky.  I'm not even sure how to describe that type of pain, but wow.  It wasn't so much the actual pain (which hurt like heck), but more so the thought that I could have broken, fractured, or dislocated my toe (or two).  Not to mention I stumped my toe on a binder hidden under my bed; one that I have actually been looking for. (its found now, btw, and now, I feel like throwing it away.)  Really, I'm surprised I didn't pass out.  I'm almost positive I was inches away from face planting it on my bedroom floor.  I wasn't sure what to think other than we were NOW running late, and I couldn't even lift my foot from the ground, much less hop/wobble/walk on it.  I'm also not entirely sure what kind of words came out of my mouth, but I can guarantee it wasn't exactly G-rated.

So we got there, and I told them what happened, and of course, they ordered some x-rays.  All of which came back perfectly fine, thank you Jesus!  HOWEVER, doc said he was going to allow ONE normal shoe to leave on ONE foot, but on my recently injured foot, he needed to bandage up for another week just to be sure.  ::insert sad face::  It was bittersweet.  But enough of that... it was time to put on my SHOE!  ::insert glowing light::  OH! But wait... not wearing socks for almost an entire month, mighttttt make you forget to bring them.  Oops.  I looked at Jr, and then looked at his own feet, and said, "umm hand them over." And he did, and I slipped on the used sock, and ohhhh.... I did a little mini jig.  They felt so snuggly and cozy in this little tiny (used) sock.  All I can compare it to is when you're bare foot and walk on some uber expensive carpet.  Yes.... picture it with me, now. Ahhhhhh.

Now, you think THAT is good?? Wait until you hear this... although, it may be one of those things were you just have to be there, or well, be the person experiencing.  Anywho, in order to take an x-ray of my foot, I had to walk to the x-ray point.  At this point, my bandages had already been removed, and my feet were bare.  So without even thinking about "ohh I can't wait!", I cautiously scooted off my chair, and placed my bare feet on the floor.  I was literally taken aback.  Like, time stood still or something.  The feeling of the floor... cold, dirty, who cares, because I sure didn't.  It felt oh so wonderful, and oh so foreign. Now, the only way I can describe this feeling, is if you have seen Avatar.... when Jake gets feeling back in his legs after fully becoming an Avatar.  That's EXACTLY how I felt, and it.was.good.

Okay, so back to the shoe.  Jr was so so sweet and surprised me with my first actual pair of GOOD running shoes.  Typically, I buy them because they're less than $20 or they're super cute AND less than $20.  I've never actually had a pair that fits the comfort and conform of my feet.  But these... oh man.... these shoes... Where have they been all my life??  After what took about 10 minutes, I finally slipped my (somewhat still swollen) foot into the shoe.  I stood up, and I literally got the urge to run, bounce, and hop around.  I was on cloud nine...with one foot at least.  Next week, both shoes will be on!!  Music to my ears!  Thankful, I at least walked out with ONE shoe on.

 Cracked feet.  There's dead skin on them from ummm since before I had surgery nearly a month ago!
Shower time!  And I surely cannot wait to hit the nail salon for a pedi once my feet can handle it.  Who's gonna treat me?? =D

 Before the swelling settled in after I got home. =(
But don't they look soooo good??

 My babies.  Big and little. =]
Daddy was tired from staying up watching the game the night before, BUT Texans won, so I GUESS it was worth it.  Not a football fan by any means.

My mom bought this movie, and Aislynn is obsessed. 
Like, she literally sleeps with the DVD. 

 My new pretty shoes shoe.

Movin' on up...those stairs! Yes'sir! 

ps. on the way home, I did come up with a little word I could use to replace those icky words that slipped while in the midst of my temporary death:  "Holy Mother of Pearl!!!!" (you know...sounds classy and all, right?? I thought so, too.)

Faith, Love, and One Shoe,


Anonymous said...

love the post case!! and love the "holy mother of pearl!" totally going to use it!!!

Casey Ayala (DreamTree Photography) said...

Thanks, Kathy!! LOLL

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