So basically, Aislynn sleeps with us just about every night. Okay, every single night. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't start out that way, but somewhere in the middle of the night, she tiptoes across the hallway and sneaks into our bedroom, and then squeezes her little tush in between Jr and I. And let me tell you, King Size bed doesn't mean anything when you have a 6ft husband who tosses, turns, and snores. Then you have a 4yr old who is 3ft '10 who also tosses, turns, snores, and then occasionally slaps you every once in a while. Plus, me, well, I have sleep apnea, and my particular case is similar to someone waking you up every 30 minutes. (they have breathing machines for this, however I'm super claustrophobic, and I'll die with that thing or anything for that matter on my face.) So you can already imagine what my night of "sleep" is like. Talk about draining. Oh, and not to mention, I still have to be conscious of my feet, as I don't want someone accidentally kicking them, so I sleep with them propped on a pillow to avoid any potential harm (harm to Aislynn and Jr; not so much my feet).
Something about robot bunnies, and monsters hiding under her pink frilly bed. I won't lie, I slept with the covers over my face until I was about 17. Yes, you read right, 17.
But, how I overcame these fears (not including the one above), I don't know, and I surely don't remember. So how am I supposed to encourage and reassure Aislynn that monsters don't exist, and that robot bunnies are well... only seen in Veggie Tales?
A peaceful slumber is top ranked on my bucket list, but somehow, I don't see scratching that off anytime in the near future, and as much as it saddens me, I'm pretty sure it scares me every more. I simply want to sleep.
These were taken roughly 2 years ago for my first photo class final project.
So, anybody have any suggestions on making my dreams become reality? What would you do? What have you done? What have you heard that works? Do tell!
Faith, Love, and Sleepless Nights,
Aly come into my at times but I let her fell asleep then move her back to her bed. I dunt always do that bc I sometimes want to snuggle but when the kicking n slapping start off to her bed she goes.
Don't know if this will help you but worth a try
Yes, Kathy, we have tried. She eventually comes back. lol
My friend did the whole if you sleep alone in your bed you get a small treat. It wasn't necessarily a toy, sometimes it was juice during lunchtime. [She doesn't let them have sugar drinks at all, so that was a big deal] I was there when all this happened so it was neat to see him want to sleep in his bed because he knew that the next day he would have something special for him. And they weren't by any means big items. She let him pick a movie once at Red Box or when they were at Target he got to choose something from the dollar section. At the one month mark, she bought him the whole transformer sheet set as his big prize and told him that because he slept in his room like a big boy he got big boy sheets. And that's how she got him to stop sneaking in their room. Now occasionally he has nightmares and it only happens when I am there on visit and he sleeps in my room. I just really think he wants to spend time with me and know he can get away with it! Good Luck!
Wow! You know I haven't thought about this!! But thank you, I will try tomorrow!! ::crossing fingers::
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