Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Today: Your average civilian...

Tomorrow: a Marine.

February 28, 1992, the day before a leap year, #4 sister came into my life.  Chelsey. "My sweet Chelsey", is what I call her... or at least when I want something. ha!

Chelsey is embarking on a new journey come Monday morning. She'll be shipping off to Parris Island to become a better person, and a heck of a better American.

I've been trying to gather my thoughts for this post for quite some time now, but there's just so much to say about her, my sweet sister... its all too much to simply blog about. Tears fill my eyes, now.  So many emotions rolled into one; happy, sad, proud, blessed, selfish, selfless, and so on and so forth, but no feeling is stronger than the love I have for my sister.  This past week, I've thought about all the great times we have had together, and I can't wait for more great times to come!  (family vacations at wherever she is stationed. hehe  Chelsey, since I am the older sister, I get to bunk in yo' bed.)

What I will miss most is our "CKC" (Casey, Katie, Chelsey) adventures, and then those where all 5 Romero gals are involved... we could have our own televised series; we're that "blonde"... Think of Jersey Shore (minus all the nasty involved) + I Love Lucy.  YEP! That's us! Oh wait!! The Griswald's! Yeah, definitely don't forget them, too! We're a handful, and my dad has his hands full.

I will miss her tremendously, and I pray she kicks some serious bootay while in basic... and I know she will... she gets it from me. haha  I mean, all of that sisterly "love" had to have helped some, right??

Chelsey, I love you so very very much.

"Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier" 
--II Timothy 2:3-4

Faith, love, and a big 'ol HOORAH!


aurora123reading said...

Love it...great stuff...we will be with her, travel with her in spirit. The Lord will guide her. He will be her Shield. Her strength will come from Him. Her path will always be visible as He is the Light of the world. To my little one...oorah!

Unknown said...

Wow that was really sweet Im in tears!

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