getting ready to move on the 18th.
attending dr's appointments for myself, mini me, and the hubby.
and pretty much everything else.
i've been feeling kinda down.
not sure what it is... i think more of time moving so slowly, yet not slow enough.
if that makes sense?
i want this new chapter to begin sooo sooo bad!
Jr is already having dreams of Bella and how her little personality is going to be a 180 of Aislynn's... how her hair is going to be dark brown. (i've had the latter part of the dream, as well but add some loose curls)
i follow other fellow bloggers, and see their cute little kiddos bonding and smiling at each other, and it makes my heart so very very warm. i can't wait to capture those exact same memories, and now, that i actually know how to use a camera, i know investing in a another hard drive will more than likely be a must and perhaps a weekly printing allowance. ha!
then i think, we have sooo much to do before she gets here.
SO much.
before we got pregnant, i had lots and lots of hope and dreams for my business, but as of lately, i feel God is pulling me a different direction. over the last couple of months, i have really really enjoyed and come to really really love being a SAHM. there's so much i want to do.... learn to sew, to cook, and finally put my desire to decorate to use (i used to rearrange my bedroom and decorate it when i was in elementary throughout HS. thought interior design was going to be what i majored in, because i loved it so much) i know my business will always be there, and its not like i can never shoot, but right now, the focus is on my growing family. i know once Bella is here, a new wave of inspiration will overflow, much like it did with Aislynn, who catapulted my love photography that i never knew i had. just a love for arts, period. i can't ever get enough of being creative. sometimes, i wonder what Jr's life would be like had he married a much simpler gal... ha! i'll just say "boring".
anywho, i went to the doctor on wednesday.
things are getting umm complicated down below. very sore and very achy.
to describe it, would be like the gal on youtube did... (there is no other way, really)...
pretend you don't know how to do a split (these days i don't have to pretend), and you went into a center split, and WHOOPS tore your muscles. yeah... that's exactly what it feels like. sitting for a long period of time is painful. walking or moving about for a long period of time is painful. getting up off the floor would be easy, if it weren't for the pain. while sleeping, rolling from either my side or onto my back - painful. i literally drag myself out of the bed, and if i somehow make my way to the middle of our king mattress, i have to grab onto our bedpost, and then drag myself out. very annoying.
braxton hicks are starting to kick in. i get at least 2 or 3 a day. not pleasant, but i've had menstrual cramps wayyy worse. however, i'm not trying to go into labor at 30 weeks.
other than that, everything is looking great!
funny.... looking through my old preggo pics with Aislynn (all 5 of them), and i was bigger then at 7 months than i am now in my 8th month. my feet looked like blimps, and everything was just ew. for those that don't know, i gained a lovely 70lbs with Aislynn.... lost 30lbs, and hung onto the rest. never again.
so, here's me at 30 weeks!
Happy Friday!
faith & love,
I feel like a bad friend. I haven't been there for you the way I wish I could have been...I miss you. I am sorry about the aches and pains...You already know, they are so worth it. :) I can't wait to meet Bella.
As for your business and being a Stay@HomeMomma; I hear ya'...God is calling and we must follow... He's been pulling at my little hearts strings too alot latley. You know me. Ideas GALORE! If only I have time... God will make it. Oh yes and you have to have at least one session open for the fall...this family needs REAL FAMILY SHOOT! :) LOL. LOVE YOU.
Oh shhh!! You are there, crazy! And love you and thank you for it!
And duh! I don't think I'll be able to put my camera down for good. haha Just scheduling minimal sessions per month... gotta keep my sanity and all. haha =P
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