Friday, April 27, 2012

29 weeks.

already? ::insert sarcasm::

i think i could possibly do this all over again.

i'm tired... i think more mentally than physically.
or maybe the mental is rubbing off on the physical.
or perhaps, i'm just delusional.
or perhaps, just maybe i'm actually finally beginning to feel very very pregnant, and staying busy is no longer keeping my mind off the fact that i have a huge abdomen.
all of the above?
sure, why not.

-- my stomach is as hard as a rock, and i think this wears me out more than anything.
-- bathroom trips are at an all time high (and i'm gonna take a wild stap, and just say, by week 35, my home away from home will be cuddled up next to the royal throne.)
-- although, i haven't gotten the dark line, my belly button... well, let's just say there isn't much room.
-- i've gone up not one, not two, but three bra sizes. (i honestly think i was wearing the wrong size before hand, anyway. ha)
-- i've gained a whopping 11lbs so far, and very much anticipate gaining beyond 15lbs... i mean Bella is already bigger than normal, and she is already almost 3lbs, so yeah.
-- bending over stinks.  not because i'm not able, but because usually her big ol butt is stabbing me.
-- our stairs at home are the devil. prime evil. end of story.
-- feet are swollen, but tis normal, and thankfully not all day, everyday.
-- i'm exhausted.
very exhausted. i just want to sleep, and this Houston heat is not my bff.
-- i'm craving watermelon like a crazy insane preggo lady.

all of this on top of packing up the casita, baby shower planning, nursery designing, dr's appointments for me and my family, working and preparing for sessions, and whatever else is squeezed into my/our break-starved schedule.  resting has been at the bottom of my priority list.  i'll sleep when i'm dead, right? ha!

this past weekend, i dared to mow the lawn solo.  success, yet i came inside the house, and wanted to die thanks to my all black workout wardrobe, which was bittersweet partially because those are pre-preggo clothes, and they still fit. yes, actually fit. i also gave my sister and her beau a quick 20 min photo session, then headed out for a 2 hour client session.  all of this after cleaning, sweeping, vacuuming (yes, the ocd in me tells me to sweep and vacuum), mopping our entire downstairs.  nonetheless, after dinner at chick-fil-a, the world was again a happy place.

30 weeks has taken literally forever to get here, and i know this last home stretch is going to feel like decades. i remember with Aislynn, i simply decided i was going to be pregnant forever, and that's just how it was going to be.  this go-round, i pray she comes when God is ready, and umm... when i am ready.

ready to move.
ready to settle in.
settle down.
and RELAX for at least 3-4 days before Bella's arrival.

we shall see.

in the mean time, its go-go-go!
and its almost 3am, so i am going going gone.

hope you all are having a fabulous week, and hope your weekend is even more fabulous!

faith & love,

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