you guessed it!
its a GIRL!
we're having another princess, and i've already got princess fever.
not so much in the literal sense, but def in the figurative sense.
the other night i couldn't sleep, so while Jr headed to work, i opened my laptop, and went to town on pinterest.
Bella's room is a full pinboard.
i'm that obsessed.
it was an exciting day!
its amazing to see how much she's grown since week 7. she has little arms, legs, hands, tiny feet, and such a personality. i think she's stubborn like her sister, and umm like her mommy. we got plenty of booty action and less pretty face action. i guess she wanted to make it clear she inherited the Romero bootayyy.
clear it was.
i'm getting more and more excited to see her beautiful face, and we can't wait to see who she looks like, and see if the light brown locks and fair skin tone have passed down.
here are some pretty peeeektures of my baby!
^^ last image is of a thumbs up! haha
How far along? 17+ weeks
Maternity clothes? I think its time for maternity bottoms.
Maternity clothes? I think its time for maternity bottoms.
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: For some reason, more than usual as of lately.
Best moment this week: Well, today is only Monday, but Jr came home with a Treat Cupcake! mmmm
Miss Anything? An appetite. Still.
Movement: Yes! Very little, but it more apparent, now.
Food cravings: Slushies.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Yes, still most of any menu.
Have you started to show yet: Fa sho!
Have you started to show yet: Fa sho!
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: No, but back is aching more and more. =/
Belly Button in or out? In, and it better stay that way. =P
Wedding rings on or off? On... for now.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Blessed! Grateful!
Labor Signs: No, but back is aching more and more. =/
Belly Button in or out? In, and it better stay that way. =P
Wedding rings on or off? On... for now.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Blessed! Grateful!
Looking forward to: Aislynn and daddy being able to feel Cupcake move.
Size of Baby: A pear or larger. We'll find out more come 20 weeks. =]
ps. the day was SO busy, this was the ONLY picture I managed to take, and yeah, I'm sitting down. We'll shoot for next week, eh?
Other small updates:
** Eating is every now and then... I try and eat small meals, but all I want is fruit. Its good to me and my nausea, which isn't severe... until I eat something my tummy disagrees with.
** The "girls" generally eat more than I do. ha!
** My face and body were breaking out like I was 13 again, but thankfully to some new prenatals, all is good in the hood!
** I haven't gained a single pound, and am continuing to lose. yay and nay. I'm scared to start working out because of this... Any advice??
** I went "back to work" after a 2 month hiatus! Love feeling creative and inspired! Makes my heart sing!
** Aislynn and I are getting to work on her reading, and she can ready about 15pgs on her own.
<<<--------- Very proud mama! (video up, soon!)
Faith & Love,
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