"Cherry Bomb" is what Jr used to call me back when I spat venom without a care in the world... back before I found Jesus and His love. These days, I may have to unwillingly reclaim my title thanks to the hormones raging inside of this preggo bodice of mine.
And its not helping that some are trying to push my preggo buttons, which is probably not the best idea. I'm not in the best of happy magical unicorns, radiant rainbows, and fluttering butterflies kind of a mood, and I may hurt some feelings. Just being honest, here. And while I more than likely won't mean what I say, I can't exactly control how my hormones will spaz. Sorry, but you have been warned. I still love you, though.
While in this first not-so-lovely trimester, I have every right to "complain" and rant and rave over how awful I'm feeling. I try to dig down deep and find some comfort, and I usually can, but when you feel like this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for weeks on end, its exhausting... more mentally than physically. It gets to a point where you feel THIS is how its going to be forever... kinda like the last month of your pregnancy when you decide you're just going to be pregnant, forever. and ever. ha!
Now, I'm sure once I hold my sweet sweet Cupcake in my arms, all will be forgotten, but until that time comes, the discomfort is felt in every fiber of my being; from my full head of hair, to my frozen toes. Like, I have to ask myself, "Is this normal? God, what in the world were You thinking when you conjured up your lists of preggo symptoms and then put them into play? Don't you love me and the preggo women of the world??" Of course, I know the answer to that, duh. I just can't help but keep reminding myself, "I didn't experience this with Aislynn...not to this degree", and that makes me wonder what in the heck is growing inside of me? Cupcake, be nice to mommy. Pwweeeese.
Let's oogle the typical symptoms of a 1st Trimester Pregnancy:
via: http://www.parenting.com/gallery/early-signs-of-pregnancy?pnid=357959
Whether you want to or not, read it. Its good intellectual info that may gain you some type of insight as to why am I mouthing off and not being the sweet and loveable Casey that everybody knows and loves.
1) Shortness of Breath:
I feel like I weigh 3,000 lbs, and haven't worked out a day in my entire life.
2) Sore Breasts:
Heaven help me... I can't even hug Jr tightly that is how bad it is... like he has some rare disease that I can die from simply by touching the man. I can't sleep on my side comfortably without sharp pains. And my bras.... well they no longer properly fit.
3) Fatigue:
Yes, please. I would LOVEEEE to sleep all.day.long. Not because I want to, but because my body is telling me to.... and sometimes forces me to.
4) Nausea:
24/7.... I will however, admit, its getting SLIGHTLY better, and I am so grateful.
But considering how nauseated I am, its not much of a difference. Don't put anything up to my nose to smell. I will physically hurt you, and then possibly puke all over you. Sowweee.
5) Frequent Urination:
I can't even keep count of how many times I get up in the middle of the night... basically enough to grab a pillow and blanket and sleep beside the royal throne. And that's considering I have a VERY loyal bladder otherwise. If anyone needs extra pee, I'm your go-to gal!
6) Backaches:
I have to continuously remind myself that I am ONLY 25, and not 85.
7) Cramping:
Thank goodness, its gone... I felt like 13 again and on my period. oy vey.
8) Cravings or Food Aversions:
I want a Strawberry Sonic Slush, and a zillion Firecracker Popsicles.
Like, NOW!
9) Constipation and Bloating:
Geez, can't a girl just poop??? I mean really... it doesn't help me feel any less whale-like, that's for sure. =P
10) Mood Swings:
All of my preggo friends have rivers flowing.... Me? I need to invest in a punching bag and go bare knuckles on that sucker. I've already thrown something across my bedroom, and no, I'm not proud of that. I felt like an idiot, but now, I know my BB is one strong piece of a technical device. But that alone, is enough to say a prayer for my anger management. =/
11) Elevated Basal Body Temperature:
I'm Jr's snuggle bunny @ night. However, he's like a grizzly bear directly in middle of hibernation. The snoring is errr... yeah, I try not to complain, and I get shut eye once he's up and off to work. I know he's tired, too; he works hard.
12) Super Smell:
I think its become my new super power....but more like Superman and kryptonite...its not a good thing.
13) Dizzy or Fainting:
No fainting thank goodness, but dizzy, yes.... however, its very rare.
14) Spotting:
No, thank God, because I would continuously freak out... I've never "spotted" in my entire life, and this would def not be the ideal time to start. lol
15 & 16) Are obvious... Late period and positive pee stick. =]
Moral of the story:
Don't mess with a hormonal preggo lady!
This Messican/Scottish Irish blood + Alief/SWAT background + the influence of El Salvadorian ways + Busy photography season + 1 time mom already + ALL of the above = Your Worst Nightmare. =] I'm sure I can think of other scary factors to add to the equation, but I don't want to scare you enough to pause your relationship with me until July 8, 2012.
And for those, thinking I am being ungrateful for this blessing... Really, I don't even think I need to address that. Get a life, and quick nitpicking at mine. Please and thank you.
ps. I still love, everyone. Just like my mother says, "At least, you come by it honest."
Faith, Love, and HORMONES,
Hello. I just spent the last 10 minutes reading through some of your posts and I love it. Thank you so much for sharing!! I'm a new follower!
haha! Thank you!! <3
Following your blog now, too! =D
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