Monday, March 28, 2011

Jesus on Facebook

Its late... and usually when its late, and this quiet, my mind begins to wander, and begins to ponder what I generally try to block out during the day.  Tonight, I'm sitting here editing some images... the door to my office is open, and the light is on.  I figure, for once, not to bother anyone with music playing... I'll just edit to my own tune... whatever that tune may be.

I think of stuff which as of lately has really been heavy on my heart, and it becomes a bit overwhelming.  I mean, you know, as women, when we think about one thing, we thing about a thousand things that tie to that one thing, and then we just dig ourselves into a hole of "what if's" or "should'a could'a would'a", and only God knows what else. 

These past few weeks, I have been trying to remind myself that He sees all, and what HE thinks is really all that matters. His approval is all I need. And this picture has spoken to me so so much since then.  I've posted it on 2 separate blog posts.  It just seems so very fitting.

Tonight, while on good 'ol Facebook, and while thinking of everything weighing on my heart, I receive a notification. I once commented on this picture in a friend's photo album. Something, I had completely forgot about, as it was quite bit ago.

The notification?

That very same picture...

His loving embrace.  The ONE who we can run to in any situation; in any circumstance... He is always, and forever will be there... with a smile on His face, love in His heart, and surrounded by grace.

As tears fill my eyes, joy and peace fill my heart.

Thank you Lord! I needed to see you... I needed a reminder, and there you were... on Facebook. ha!

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 
-- 1 Peter 5:7

Faith and Love,

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