oh, the hilarity!
i mean really.
the hilarity.
never a dull moment.
its like, "one day you're in... and the next, you're out."
with A, i was lucky enough to pump for 6 weeks. i was a clueless 20 year old, and well... the idea of breastfeeding just wasn't something i was enthused or thrilled about. the girls were youthful, so why on earth would i want to tamper with such quality? until we started forking over our life savings for a 23.4 oz can of formula, and by that time, unfortunately, it was too late for me to reopen the factory for business.
this go round... i am one determined mama. i mean a single can costs what? $25. hmm... i can think of a million other things i can do with that $25. like get my herrr did. =P
technically, i am no longer nursing... baby to boob, anyway.
after soaked bras, t-shirts, and boppy pillows, i had to look at my other options.
plus, squirting my kid in the face mid-nursing session wasn't all fun and games.
so, i did what any desperate nursing mom would do... i turned to the good old fashioned hand pump. non-electric, might i add. (yeah, so, i like hard work.) plus, the whole nursing in public thing... let me tell you, there once was a time where i was certain of being one friggin awesome multi-tasker. nah-uh. i was wrong. so very very wrong. major props to you public nursing mama's! y'all are magicians!
some days, it seems worth it... others, not so much.
the girls have been strapped up since the day i came home from the hospital. and let's not forget those nice breast pads that noticeably deform your bra under a cute simple t-shirt. then, not being able to take a shower until the tanks are empty, so you must plan accordingly, or you're forced to warn those around you to prepare their nostrils. "hard as a rock" has never had more meaning. your bras are just plain ugly. and worst of all, the sound of a squeaky pump... they really should design one squeaky free or one able to safely absorb the wonder that is WD-40. the.most.annoying.sound.ever. however, quite entertaining, if you get into a nice rhythm... all you need is someone rappin' to the beat. holla!
breastfeeding is literally a full-time job.
every 4 hours... they don't care if you're in the middle of eating, sleeping, of comforting your crying infant. if you go passed that 4 hour mark, shame on you! for shame!! you will now reap the consequences. the ladies, then send a signal to your brain to slow down the production. but wait... if you can't find the time to drain adequately, and a quicky pumping session is in order, not good... nope... not good at all. because, then, the ladies say, "ohh... i guess i don't need to produce anymore than what is already gone." <<<---------- this is how i picture the conversation between my boobs and brain.
i've become OCD about it all.
if there aren't a certain number of bottles nicely lined up in my fridge, i get nasty. real nasty.
my day goes to hell in a hand basket... and don't talk to me! seriously... don't. if you're stressing me out, don't even look at me, because thanks to you, i only pumped half of what i should. ugh.
let's get one thing straight... breastmilk is GOLD, and my fridge/freezer, a gold mine!
ha! no really... its that serious, folks.
as serious as literally crying over spilled milk...
i won't even go there.
cry me a river? no.
i will cry you an ocean and then some.
drinking water.
i have never.ever.ever in my life drank so much water on a daily basis. i sometimes have to argue with myself over having a glass of OJ, or a glass of water. the less water that goes in, the less milk that comes out. so, if you don't like water, sorry 'bout your bad luck. tough poop. git'r'done or go home!
when its all said and done, i think it goes without saying, if your hormones aren't jacked up enough after just having a baby... they'll get even more jacked up the longer your boobs are the main source of your kid's health and happiness. however... and a BIG however. i have never been more proud of myself... besides saving a chunk of change, the fact that my baby is getting nutrients that man himself can not replicate... mannnnnn... where is my super cape?? i am friggin awesome! at least in my tiny little world, i am. so many reasons to top shelf the pump, but i will push... i will fight... i will pump till i can't pump no more! i wasn't able to have both gals naturally, so this my homage to them, and to myself. something i have set my mind to... something, i can later pat myself on the back for a job well done!
originally, my goal was to only pump until about 3-5 months, but i am praying, i can tackle the entire year. yes, girrrrl, i am bold! wish me luck!
pump on my friends! pump on!
someone is officially OFFICIALLY 3 months!
Bella Boo @ 13 weeks old.
faith and love,
casey (pump pump)